Your website is just one of the billion sites parked on the World Wide Web. Chances are, you dont think yours will ever get noticed. We hear your cries for cyber attention. Here are five ways to get people clicking on to your site. 1.) Make sure its professional looking.No one likes looking at website […]
10 Tips For Web Success
The webmaster’s biggest job is to get their traffic up and keep customers/visitors coming back. Building the site is one thing, but simply building and posting a website does not guarantee traffic. In fact, a website could be beautiful and an example of all the latest technology and still not attract a single visitor if […]
Why Your Web Host Could Be Out Of Business Tomorrow
What are the chances of you waking up tomorrow and finding your web host and your website gone? Actually much higher than you may think and there are several reasons for this. For starters, the number of web hosting businesses these days is extremely high and growing all the time. This means that there is […]
Who should become a web host reseller?
1. Individuals or businesses with more than one website If you have more than one website and the total disk space you need is 500 MB or more, you can benefit from having a reseller account. The cost for web hosting is lower than if you have individual accounts for each site. Also, you can […]