Marketing, as contrasted with advertising, is a long-term enterprise. It takes a substantial amount of time compared to other efforts but is likely the most important aspect of your business. The first step in your marketing efforts should naturally be a plan. And the foundation of your marketing plan is a very specific goal that […]
Category: eMarketing
How To Kick Your Marketplace (And Your Prices) Up A Notch!
Sometimes all you need is a simple “shift” in your thinkingand that missing “link” you’ve been needing, all of asudden appears, clear as day. Here’s what I mean: A common problem I see with clients ofmine, especially my consulting clients – – is that they’ve got a“decent” product… “decent” marketing… but their targetaudience is slightly […]
How To Market Effectively Even If No One Understands What You Do
So how do you effectively market your product or service when one knows anything about them because you’re in a new and emerging industry? How can you expect to get customers if no one understands what it is that you do? If this is your situation then a big part of your marketing strategy will […]
Help! I Don’t Know What to Name My Business
If you are just starting your business, or if you have just developed a new product or service for an existing business, one of the first questions you need to answer is, “What should I name it?” And while you may feel pressure to make this decision quickly, I caution you to not make it […]