Choosing a web host is never easy. There are just so many unknowns when it comes to finding a host. It’s hardly ever possible to walk into a web host’s office, look around, meet the owners, and get a feel for whether or not you’d like to do business with these people. It’s important, though, […]
Category: Archive
How to Avoid Problems and Errors of Shared Web Hosting?
Most webmasters on the net today are familiar with what the industry calls “shared” web hosting accounts. A shared hosting account is where you rent a small amount of space on a server which is shared among many other users. This is a cheap way to get started online but it has many disadvantages – […]
How To Build A successful Hosting Company
There are a couple of key things to look at when starting a hosting company. Basically there are four major factors to look at provided you have the servers, and technical abilities. 1. Site design is the first thing a prospective customer sees!! I have seen some horrible designs for hosting companies. If you think […]
Google Sitemaps 7 Benefits You Can’t Ignore
Google Sitemaps enables Webmasters to Directly Alert Google to Changes and Additions on a Website and that’s just one of 7 Benefits. Telling search engines about new pages or new websites use to be what the submission process was all about. But major search engines stopped using that process a long time ago. Google has […]