As the Internet expands, demand for different web-hosting services increases proportionally. Additional numbers of people are joining the web world every day with personal sites for their business or organization. Many people choose low-cost solutions to host their web site, but it if your web site is important to you, you should consider quality as […]
Category: Archive
Unlimited Bandwidth in Web Hosting
Bandwidth explained: Bandwidth is the amount of data transfer that you are allowed to have for a hosting package i.e. LetÂ’s say you have a web page that is 48KB in size, now each time a user opens your site and goes to that page S/he downloads 48 KB of information on to their computer. […]
Unique Features that leading Web Hosts Are Now Offering
Some web hosts are offering more than others for the same price or even for a lower price. There is no denying the fact that as competition increases amongst web hosting services, many are looking for ways and means to stand out and be different from their competitors. The result is that web hosting service […]
Tips on Domain Name Choice
By Clare Lawrence 3rd November 2003 Clare is the CEO of Discount Domains Ltd a leading UK Domain name registration service. Before buying your domain name, give some thought to the followng:- 1) If possible use your sites name as the basis of your domain name e.g for Discount Domains UK. This might seem […]