When starting a business, you have to determine the method you are going to use for accounting and paying taxes. The two choices are the cash method and the accrual method. Cash Method If you are looking for simplicity, the cash method is probably your best accounting choice. Generally, income and deductions can be claimed […]
Category: Archive
7 Things to Consider Before Buying Small Business Accounting Software
The world of small business accounting software can be a minefield for any business owner. However choosing the right package is one of the most critical business decisions you will make. Here are the seven things you must consider before making a purchase that will help you achieve your businesses goals. 1. Scalability Businesses change […]
9 things you must do to maximize your chances of obtaining a small business loan
To get approval for your small business loan application, you must be able to meet the lending criteria set down. Some organisations are more risk averse than others, and will therefore have more stringent criteria. To vastly increase your chances of a successful funding application, you will need to present the following information: 1. The […]
20 Small Business Tips, For Success
These are just some general tips to keep in mind as you design/operate your small business: 1. Take the time out to explore and understand whether or not you are compatible with running our own business. Some people are just plain happier and better off financially on the other end of the paycheck. 2.Get your […]