It’s tough out there, particularly because of layoffs and our sluggish economy. So what’s a small business entrepreneur trying to make a living to do? Try these low-cost pricing strategies to keep sales moving. TACTIC #1 — Never simply slash your prices, unless you’re trying to empty obsolete inventory. Instead, try repackaging your prices so […]
Category: Archive
So Good You Can Sell a Ketchup Popsicle to a Woman in White Gloves
A good salesman is born that way; it is not a learned behavior. End of story. Go solve another mystery. This one is over. Crack any sales help book and you’ll find all of the traits the author says a good salesman must have. He must be an early riser, well-organized, diligent, a great communicator, […]
Small Business Planning — Three Myths
Denise OBerry Are you — like 70 percent of small business owners — working without a plan? Here are three myths that need to be dispelled about strategic planning for small business. 1. It has to be formal — Not so. The value of a strategic plan for your small business is in putting the […]
Small business investments
State laws have been relaxed to make it easier for small business to raise start-up and growth financing from the public. Many investors view this as an opportunity to “get in on the ground floor” of an emerging business and to “hit it big” as the small businesses grow into large ones. Statistically, most small […]