Car insurance is required by all licensed drivers but many of them dont know how to find the best rates available. Being complacent and purchasing car insurance without carefully investigating your options or maintaining the same car insurance for the remainder of your life could mean that you are paying too much for your car […]
Category: Archive
The 12 Reasons Why Most Ads Fall Flat On Their Face, Costing You A Fortune Instead of Making You The Money You Deserve!
1.You think you need Image or branding advertising because thats all the so-called top guns use in their advertising. You dont use direct response advertising they dont and youd think they know best. 2.You never offer compelling benefits that cause your prospect to want to do business with you of your competitor. 3.You dont use […]
Short Sale Success Secrets with Foreclosures
If you’re active in real estate investing, you may already realize one of the biggest issues real estate investors face: Finding Great Deals. Foreclosures at a 52-year High With foreclosures at a 52-year high, there are thousands of deals available on the market, if you know where to find them and how to secure them. […]
Starting a business can be overwhelming enough trying to get up and running but when you think about all the tax requirements, your cup may runneth over. Here is what you must know in order to start your own business on the right foot and avoid paying penalties and interest which can cost more than […]