Make a vow to keep up your marketing schedule in good times and not so good times. I have said it time and time again that marketing, no matter what type you choose, is a building process. Here is the whole thing summed up in one situation: Assume for a moment that you had never […]
Category: Archive
Micropersuasion – Get The Biggest Bang For Your Small Business Marketing Buck
“How the heck can my little local gym afford to buy an ad on TV?” I got this question yesterday from a nice lady that works for a web development company. The answer is that new technology allows most cable providers to place commercials into specific zip codes. Because the ad isn’t going out to […]
Marketing Tip For The Beginning Entrepreneur
Internet Marketing has been a buzzword for over a decade now, a short time by ordinary measure. And yet in terms of Internet reckoning, this is a very long time. Whatever, we always go back to the origin of the word marketing. Marketing, as we know it, primarily concentrates on consumers . As Internet marketer, […]
Marketing your Business for Success Marketing your Business for Success By Ryan M. Hoback, Motivated Entrepreneur Incubation & Consulting A pinch of this, a pinch of that, some creative stirring, and marketing mix that cant be matched. This is what marketing your business for success is all about, capturing the readers attention and delivering the intended message. By now […]