D-e-a-t-h. The mention of that five-letter word instills fear into many. Only a few mortals could dare death like the poet John Donne. When his beloved brother died, he wrote death these damning lines: Death do not be proud/ Though some have called thee mighty and dreadful/ But thou art not so/ Nor yet canst […]
Category: Archive
SCAM Alert: 3 Tactics of SCAM Sportsbooks
Online Sportsbook scams are a multimillion-dollar business. Over the last 5 years we’ve seen players lose millions of dollars, not because their bets lost, but because they sent money to scam sportsbooks. Don’t be the next victim. Be aware of these common scam tactics to protect your money. 1. New Sportsbook with Large Bonuses (25%, […]
Secrets To Successful Publishing
Have you ever wondered what would it take to compete successfully with the big guys like Simon & Schuster and even get to the top of the heap? If there is such thing as a magic formula for success, then the story of Geela, the author of the bestseller book THE AMERICAN DREAM can certainly […]
Sex is Beautiful!
My beauty surpasses Nefertitis.See my sculptured body and delicate features.Yet, sex makes me more beautiful!Because I allow casanovas and strangers to explore my triangle, and ravish my apples.For that is the mark of megastars and supermodels,and the curse of ghetto girls. Let the religionists name me a “sex symbol”;or the temple prostitute of Aphrodite.Did not […]