When you buy something from an eBay seller, you are giving them your money and hoping that you will get something in return. However many guarantees of safety eBay might make to you, nothing is certain: if you just give your money to scammers all the time without doing any checks then the chances are […]
Category: Archive
How To Choose A Good Web Host (When They All Look Alike)
Choosing a web host is never easy. There are just so many unknowns when it comes to finding a host. It’s hardly ever possible to walk into a web host’s office, look around, meet the owners, and get a feel for whether or not you’d like to do business with these people. It’s important, though, […]
How To Become An eBay Sniper.
If you bid for a few things on eBay, the chances are that sooner or later youll end up getting your bid beaten at the very last second by a sniper. This can be a frustrating experience, and while in theory sniping is against the rules and you can report it to eBay, in practice […]
How to Boost Your Online Sales with an Affiliate Strategy
Ever since we had products for sale in the offline world, we had sales agents. You know the ones – the multi-product travelling sales “reps” carrying products and business cards from different manufacturers. They made sales without having to carry inventory, handle payments, and sign contracts. Their focus was to make the sale by getting […]