You have to be very lucky to be one of the chosen few who receive an eBay coupon by email. These coupons are just like cash that you can use towards anything you buy on eBay the only conditions being that you pay using PayPal, and that you are using eBay in the USA, […]
Category: Archive
How To Get Help From Ebays Safeharbor Team.
SafeHarbor are the eBay police department. If a buyer does something they’re not supposed to, then it’s SafeHarbor you should be reporting it to. Non-paying Buyers. This is the most common rule buyers break — it’s all too easy for them to just change their minds and try to get out of the auction. eBay, […]
How To Fully Automate Your Website So You Dont Waste Time Working
So you dont have a way of managing all of the customer responses coming through your inbox? I can relate, please let me share a personal story. When I first started my online business, I didnt know what an autoresponder was, and I was intimidated by setting one up on my site. I simply had […]
How to get directories to submit your site – with this 5 steps guide!
So you have completed that new site and want to start your site promotion campaign by getting listed in some directories? Well,definitely a good idea, because those directories will provide you the initial thrust needed for visibility of your web site. But then how do you find those directories to submit your site to? No […]