So you have a question? Has something gone very wrong and you dont know what to do? Well, fair enough. Here are the questions that I hear all the time from buyers. Does eBay have a Customer Service Department I Can Phone? eBay are notoriously hard to contact, should you ever need to it […]
Category: Archive
The Ebay Blacklist
eBay can be most likened to an online flea market. But, as with most flea markets, there is always the possibility that questionable hawkers lurk around the corners. Therefore, there must be rules in place to insure that the auctions and transactions formed through eBay are legal. Only then can a market online or […]
The Domain Name Gold Rush
All the good ones are taken. The really good ones, that is. But they dont always stay taken. Domain names often come back onto the market. Even before they do, domain name prospectors are sifting through them to find the gold domains among them. Why domain names become available again Thousands of domain names expire […]
The “e” In eBusiness Does Not Mean Exempt
I’ve gotten quite a few emails recently from ebusiness owners who seem to think that just because their business is conducted online or from the comfort of home that the rules and regulations that govern brick and mortar businesses do not apply to them. The ebusiness questions I get most often do not involve building […]