Giving away content is a powerful way to get free advertising. For example, give other people permission to use your article on their web site or in their e-zine. The resource box at theend of your article acts as an ad. In return, you get free advertising. It’s a win/win situation for both you and […]
Category: Archive
How to Gain Credibility, and Save on Advertising Costs! An E
How to Gain Credibility, and Save on Advertising Costs! An Ebook Review How would you like to learn a way to become established as an expert in your field, earn some money, and get free hot information products at the same time? I recently had the wonderful opportunity to chat with Jim Edwards. Jim is […]
How To Effectively Use Offline Advertising To Build Your Onl
First of all let me say that having spent the past 20 years working closely with small businesses I know exactly what works when it comes to offline advertising. What I have found today is that online businesses have a built in advantage when it comes to promoting their business offline. You already have a […]
How To Make Pay-Per-Click Advertising Payoff
Want to know how to find the right keywords for your business? Would you like to double or even triple your PPC profits? Dear [firstname], _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SUPER AFFILIATE UPDATE – __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ January 21, 2003 No doubt everyone is in full gear, back from holidays and ready to make 2003 their best […]