Everyone knows that advertising is essential to growing a business. One problem that small business owners have always faced is the high cost of marketing. Most, however don’t realize that there is an effective way to reduce the cost of your advertising while – at the same time – increasing its reach. Advertising co-ops are […]
Category: Advertising
Advertising effectively on the net is FREE
That’s right. The most effective way of advertising your business on the net is FREE and mostly ignored. And yet it’s so easy to see why it is so effective. We just need to ask ourselves two simple questions. Question 1- What do most people use the internet for? Answer – For email and to […]
Advertising Do’s and Don’ts
As you begin marketing and promoting your online business you are going to run into some unbelievable advertising opportunities. Generally speaking if the ad offering sounds too good to be true–It is. There are companies that will tell you they will get you listed in the top 10 search engines or place your link on […]
Advertising Made Easy
How You Can Make Advertising Pay Big Dividends (source: www.chetholmes.com) McGraw Hill once commissioned an extensive study to determine what marketing weapons make a company famous in itÂ’s market or community. The study went on to show that advertising created more product, service, or brand awareness than all other marketing weapons combined. The fact is, […]